Occupational Therapy Services rooted in the needs, values, and interests of the client, no matter their level of skill, needs, or “behavior.”
Amers Goff (they/she) is a certified occupational therapist with expertise in Autism, pediatric mental health, and multiple diagnoses. She specializes in aquatic- based services. Amers is DIR-FCD certified, and provides DIR based intervention for clients from early childhood into adulthood. They are committed to supporting all types individuals to make their own choices, express their own ideas, and control their own environments to the greatest extent within each individual;s capacity. Amers is dedicated to helping families support their children through all of life’s transitions.
Areas of Practice
Adaptive Swimming Lessons
Children and young adults with special needs often need some special help to overcome fear, learn water safety, and gain swimming skills. Swimming can support sensory and emotional regulation, relax and strengthen muscles, and provide an opportunity for motor skill acquisition in a gravity eliminated setting. Lessons can be customized to meet the needs and goals of each swimmer and their family. Common lesson goals include: Water safety, swimming and pre-swimming water skills, stroke refinement, sensory processing and integration, and aquatic-based DIR-Floortime services.
Trauma informed care
For neurodiverse children and youth, trauma may not come as the result of abuse or neglect, but simply from the experience of existing in a world that is not designed for their success. Overwhelming sensory experiences or the inability to effectively communicate can over time create trauma response patterns. Considering the possibility of trauma when creating a treatment plan can significantly impact the pacing and the content of therapy.
Middle and High School Age Services
So often, when children transition to middle school and high school, their therapeutic services begin to fade away; yet for any young person, middle school and high school are extremely challenging times of personal growth and individuation. For youth on the Autism Spectrum, the increased social challenges and hormonal changes of the teen years can present new difficulties at school and home. Amers works with both verbal and nonverbal youth to navigate their teen years in ways that presume competence, provide opportunities for confidence, control, and increase communication.
comprehensive holistic Evaluations
Evaluations available include both standardized and non-standardized measures. Not all children can be well understood by a test that requires specific prompts and responses. Amers is experienced in assessing children and youth who may not be well served by traditional evaluation methods. She specializes in assessments for children who may be difficult to assess due to behavioral, communication, or relationship challenges.
DIR - Floor Time
Amers has received an educator’s certification in DIR-FCD, an acronym which stands for Development, Individual Differences, and Relationship - Functional Capacities for Development through the Profectum Foundation. She is the Director of Occupational Therapy at the only DIR-certified school in the state of California, and she has presented twice with the Profectum Foundation at national conferences. Amers is dedicated to integrating the DIR principles of holistic psycho-social development into therapy for clients of all ages and abilities.
Speaking Engagements and consultation
Amers has presented at state OT conferences, as well as national conferences through the Profectum Foundation. Amers is available for speaking engagements for both professional and community events.
Amers provides consultation in a variety of formats. This may include a records review, support in accessing services, or program development. Please reach out for more information.